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Israel army, ZAHAL – Double Sided Helmet Cover Mitznefet, multicam.

Israel army, ZAHAL – Double Sided Helmet Cover Mitznefet, multicam.

Regular price $60.61
Regular price Sale price $60.61
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This Helmet Cover called Mitznefet in Hebrew—attaches to a regular combat helmet and obscures its rigid, round shape. As the ZAHAL – Double Sided Helmet Cover Mitznefet flops about, it takes on an irregular form that’s harder to recognize in a shadow or out of the corner of your eye. The hat also protects against the sun and the moon, which might reflect off the surface of the helmet. A standard Mitznefet consists of reversible mesh fabric, with a greenish woodland camouflage print on one side and a brown desert print on the other. It was first used in southern Lebanon in the early 1990’s to help soldier’s camouflage in activities in the region.

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